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Memories by the Stream

The Copper Creek Series - Book III

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Published: Innovative Writing Works 2013
Pages: 228
Category: Fiction> Romance>
Fiction> Western> Christian 
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $9.95
Amazon Rating: 4 stars
Goodreads Rating: 4.0 avg. (out of 5)

Reader Reviews:

"Page turner. Couldn't put this one down. Lots of unexpected plot turns." – Kim

"This is the kind of fiction I like to read. Clean and still compelling. Really good stuff." - Pat

"Another enjoyable story in a great series. Shared this with family and friends." – Barbara

One Memory That Couldn't Be Forgotten or Forgiven...

The winter of 1880 had closed in on the town of Copper Creek, blanketing the Missouri countryside in a sparkling expanse of white. The stillness of the season afforded Ruth Randolph the opportunity to reflect on the drastic upheaval in her life since her husband's passing that summer. But then, nothing much in Copper Creek had remained the same, since more than one secret had been exposed because of Michael Randolph's death.
Infidelity, intrigue, deception and mistaken identity had all been revealed in the light of truth. Yet, Ruth couldn't have been happier. After a long period of grief, she had finally made peace with the past. But when a letter arrives from her estranged father, Caleb Vance, a grudge left unresolved for more than twenty years forces Ruth to relive the darkest hour of her youth.

Once caught between an arranged marriage and a passionate romance, Ruth made her choice at the point of a gun and nearly died for defying her father's will. Since that day, nothing but animosity had existed between them. Determined she could never forget her father's injustice or forgive his cruelty, Ruth's initial rejection of his attempts at reconciliation unwittingly draw her into his deadly struggle for revenge with the man responsible for their rift.

Coming to realize how grossly mistaken she's been, Ruth's desperate attempt to spare her father and save the town from financial ruin leaves her life hanging in the balance. As a result, the path of a single bullet from a notorious gunfighter’s pistol becomes her only hope to prevent the cruel events of the past from happening again.

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Other Books in the Copper Creek Series...

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Secrets of the Stream - Book I

The Burden of Secrets Could Cost Her More Than Her Heart...
Jane Randolph never would have guessed her hometown was rife with secrets, but with the arrival of two strangers she discovers just how dangerous a secret can be...

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Ripples in the Stream - Book II

Could a Twist of Fate Heal a Broken Heart? 
Ben Kohl rode into Copper Creek amid an aftermath of scandal and disillusionment, with the intention of adding to the town's discord by revealing an even more shocking truth of his own....

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Crossroads at the Stream - Book IV

Caught at a Crossroads Between Truth and Lies...
The people of Copper Creek had hoped trouble was behind them until one fine spring morning the stage arrived carrying a passenger with a decidedly disturbing mission...

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The Mysterious Miner's Legacy - Copper Creek Tales Book I

A Tragedy from the Past Threatened her Hope for the Future...
Determined to punish the men responsible for her bitter exile from Copper Creek, Amy Kent was finally ready to return home and change the town's future forever until a handsome doctor posed an obstacle to revenge...

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Bonds of Betrayal - Copper Creek Tales Book II

Trapped in a Town Where No One and Nothing is What it Seems...
Amy Kent's chance for real happiness seemed to be slipping away, because an old foe sought to exploit the bonds of family to perpetrate his most bitter betrayal yet...

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Copper Creek Chronicles - Series Set

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Innovative Writing Works

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